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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Set Design: Using Keynote Textbox

I thought I would be posting the Quicktime video the textbox scenes in The Wizard of Oz, but the file size ended up being 3.4 megabytes. So I am posting screen captures instead.
The Wizard of Oz Intro
The same effects is available to a textbox as it is for any picture object. For the intro, the text you see is moves into place and then fades out.

What I found out was that with Keynote individual words and even letters can be manipulated too. This was really handy for the skywriting sequence. I incorporated three passes of the witch silhouette during the spelling of "SURRENDER DOROTHY OR DIE W.W.W." This feature is not available in PowerPoint.


This is me...

My photo
My aspiration is to be better at telling stories. I only need a pencil and paper.