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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shanghai Interlude on the Blog

Celebrating my very first completed story, I have been working on various versions for sharing. There is now a PDF file up on Google Docs. The link is available at the bottom of this blog. Simply click on the Shanghai Interlude banner to download for your eReader. Still learning all the features of the Calibre eBook manager. It's really handy for conversions. The new PDF includes a cover and is a smaller format for eReaders. I am eager to upload this onto my device.

Also, I now have a Chinese translation on Google Docs. It's the first time, I used this feature. Although, it gives a complete translated text, it still is not perfect. Translations are seldom perfect. Grammar is almost always lost in translation. But I like it enough to keep using it in future.

It's been a long time since I last written a new word. Because, the character relationships and plot is a lot more complex, I would like to mull over it some more. Rewriting Shanghai Interlude made me cautious of how to handle it.

Anyway, these little projects help me immerse in that world. That's not a bad thing.

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My aspiration is to be better at telling stories. I only need a pencil and paper.