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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Who's Sorry Now: A Comic Drawing

Drawing in Pen!

I took one correspondence course in commercial art, but most people  know I have only ever sketched in pencil. This started as such. Having read daily comic strips for months now, I became inspired to adapt it for my own style. It took a good many hours in front of the TV, to search for the right scene for re-imagining, and many more hours browsing the internet for what to include in it.

After the initial pencil layout, I was less than impressed by the placement. I let it sit for a month, before deciding on using pen ink to finish it. I had a black gel pen and a set of fine-tip art pens. Setting the drawing on a transparent clipboard, I had a makeshift light table. A couple of design changes later, I continued the hand drawing with coloured pencils.

This is me...

My photo
My aspiration is to be better at telling stories. I only need a pencil and paper.